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Photos Of A Protestor Wearing A Senate Coat He Stole From The Senate Chambers During The Protest

opera.com 3 days ago

Immediately the members of parliament passed the finance bill 2024, angry Anti-finance protesters stormed parliament building and broke into with the aim of punishing them. Despite the anti-riot police dispersing the angry protestors, one of them managed to get into the Senate Chambers where he stole the Senate Coat and went ahead wearing it.

According to the pictures going around social media platforms, the protester was seen wearing a senate coat as his fellow protesters cheered him. Members of parliament were forced to run for their safety with Senate speaker being evacuated from parliament building with an ambulance.

Reports indicate that several protesters have feared dead as several others injured during the incident at the parliament building. Azimio has condemned the extra killing of peaceful protesters who were excercising their rights. "We got the speaker, waiting for the new president," reacted Judy Maria.

Protestor who broke into Senate chambers steals Senate coat and wears it. Photo courtesy.

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