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ODM Senator Slams President Ruto for Threatening To Cut Judiciary and County Governments Funding

opera.com 3 days ago

ODM Senator Edwin Sifuna has accused President Ruto of using bully tactics to divert attention from the real issues plaguing his regime. Instead of addressing the rampant wastage, opulence, and corruption that have long been associated with his government, President Ruto has chosen to retaliate by threatening to cut funding for the Judiciary and County Governments.

The controversy stems from President Ruto's decision to withdraw the finance Bill, a move that was widely seen as an attempt to wield power over other branches of government. Senator Sifuna, in a scathing rebuke, called out the President for his disregard for the rule of law and his blatant attempts to undermine the independence of the Judiciary and the autonomy of County Governments.

According to Senator Sifuna, instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue and seeking solutions to the country's economic woes, President Ruto has resorted to strong-arm tactics and empty threats. By targeting essential services such as the Judiciary and County Governments, he is effectively punishing the Kenyan people for his own failures as a leader.

The Senator's remarks have ignited a firestorm of criticism against President Ruto, with many accusing him of using intimidation tactics to maintain his grip on power. The threat to cut funding for key institutions raises concerns about the erosion of democracy and the rule of law in Kenya.

As the nation grapples with economic challenges and social unrest, it is imperative that our leaders prioritize the interests of the people above their own political agendas. Senator Sifuna's bold condemnation of President Ruto's actions serves as a reminder that accountability and transparency are essential in a functioning democracy.

It remains to be seen how President Ruto will respond to the mounting pressure from opposition leaders and civil society groups. In the meantime, Kenyans must remain vigilant and demand that their leaders act in the best interests of the country, rather than their own self-interests.

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