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Evangelist Mike Bamiloye Sends Warning Against Cutting Corners in Ministry

opera.com 5 days ago

Popular gospel actor and evangelist Mike Bamiloye has issued a strong warning against cutting corners in ministry, urging believers to endure the necessary processes and afflictions to achieve their divine purposes.

In a recent post on his official Facebook page, Bamiloye highlighted the dangers of seeking quick success without embracing the stages of growth and development that God has ordained.

Titled "Cutting Corners," Bamiloye's message draws parallels to the life of Jesus Christ. He noted that if Jesus had chosen to jump down from the pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem, He would have avoided the Cross and thus not fulfilled His mission of salvation. "Beware of trying to achieve in a hurry what the Lord wants you to achieve in stages of process," Bamiloye cautioned.

Referencing 2 Timothy 4:5 and 2 Corinthians 4:17, Bamiloye emphasized the importance of enduring afflictions and fulfilling one's ministry through perseverance. He warned against the temptation to seek glory without bearing the necessary burdens, stating, "No cross, No crown."

Bamiloye also criticized the prevalence of "sweet-tongued preachings" and "bread and butter sermons" that fail to challenge believers' sinful lives.

He argued that such messages lead to spiritual complacency and ultimately, spiritual suicide. "Beware of all these sweet tongues preachings that declare peace! peace! When you know you are not in peace with your God," he admonished.

The evangelist further condemned the desire for success in ministry without the willingness to endure suffering and discipline. "You don't want to suffer in the ministry, yet you want to be great in the work of God," he observed, warning that such an attitude leads to incomplete and ineffective service.

In his concluding prayer, Bamiloye expressed a desire for patience and perseverance in his own ministry journey. "May I patiently walk through the process to my place of glory. May I never cut the corners that will lead me to cutting relevance in HIS end-time agenda," he prayed.

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