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Details Emerge What Caused Death Of Makokha's Wife While Undergoing Treatment In Hospital

opera.com 1 day ago

The Kenyan entertainment industry has been thrown in mourning courtesy of the demise of Purity Wambui, wife to the prominent Kenyan actor Matayo Keya who popularly was known in the acting fraternity as Alphonse Makacha Makokha.

He said Wambui was very kind and warm-hearted person who impacted and touched many lives.

“This is what Ondiek posted, ‘It is with deep sorrow the death of Purity Wambui a darling wife to Makokha Makacha of Vioja Mahakamani show on KBC TV. She was indeed a kind lady who impacted on many people’s lives,’ read the caption.

We were shocked to learn that Wambui had been hospitalized for sometime now and spoking to Nairobi News, a close source in the family disclosed this information. Kidero also said that she died on June 1st at the Kenyatta National Hospital. But nonetheless, Makokha continued to visit her often even if they rehearsed for it.

After the news was out, the Kenyan entertainment industry has joined others in offering condolences to Makokha and his family members. Several fellow actors and followers have flooded social media platforms to express their stand on the death of Wambui, which has been RTd as a nightmare, with many recalling her as a generous lady who touched many lives.

Makokha has a family and he and his family are so grateful to the generous support given to them during this very challenging period of their lives.

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