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Former CBN Deputy Governor Moghalu Calls for Nigerians to Hold Politicians Accountable

opera.com 2 days ago

Professor Kingsley Moghalu, former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has urged Nigerians to demand more from their politicians. In a post on his X handle, Moghalu asked when Nigerians would speak out against the political class, rather than simply watching as they continue to suffer. He also questioned whether Nigerians have fallen victim to the divide and rule tactics employed by politicians, which often exploit ethnic, religious, and regional lines.

Moghalu's comments come on the heels of recent protests in Kenya, where citizens took to the streets to protest a tax hike introduced by President William Ruto. The protests, led largely by youth, prompted Ruto to withdraw the controversial finance bill.

Moghalu's statement highlights the power of citizen activism and the need for Nigerians to hold their politicians accountable for their actions. His call to action echoes the sentiment that Nigerians must demand more from their leaders and reject the status quo of suffering in silence.

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