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Kimani Ngunjiri Critic Ruto Government After Youth Engagement Forum Announcement by Felix Koskei

opera.com 4 days ago

Former Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri has fired back at Felix Koskei's recent announcement regarding a Youth Engagement Forum aimed at fostering inclusive national development for Generation Z. Ngunjiri minced no words as he criticized the government's initiative, calling it a mere "engagement exercise" that misses the mark on addressing pressing issues faced by Kenyan youths.

"The government's 'Youth Forum Engagement' memo from Koskei misses the mark. Kenyans aren't asking for another forum - they have clear agendas the government needs to address," Ngunjiri stated emphatically. His comments reflect a sentiment shared by many disillusioned with what they perceive as hollow promises and inadequate action from authorities.

Ngunjiri went further to express his frustration, suggesting that it is time for tangible results rather than repetitive engagement exercises. "It's time for real action, not just engagement exercises. Na si kwa ubaya but you guys are joking! #OccupyChurches," he remarked, highlighting the growing impatience among the populace regarding governmental responsiveness to critical issues.

The announcement by Koskei, which aimed to set the stage for meaningful dialogue and collaboration with Kenya's youth, appears to have fallen short of expectations for Ngunjiri and others who share his viewpoint. Critics argue that while dialogue is important, concrete steps towards addressing youth unemployment, education reforms, and economic empowerment are urgently needed.

Ngunjiri's outspoken criticism underscores a broader frustration within Kenya's political landscape, where rhetoric often outpaces substantive action. As debates continue to swirl around the efficacy of government-led initiatives like the Youth Engagement Forum, the call for accountability and meaningful change grows louder among the youth and their advocates.

As the nation waits to see how authorities will respond to Ngunjiri's critique and the broader sentiment it reflects, one thing remains clear: the demand for genuine progress and tangible outcomes continues to resonate across Kenya's diverse demographic landscape.

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