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"They Are Criminals And Should Be Dealt By The Law, " Raila Breaks Silence

opera.com 3 days ago

Today, Raila Odinga addressed issues surrounding recent protests in Kenya, focusing on the actions of Generation Z.

He expressed his condolences to families who lost loved ones over the past week due to what he described as the brutal actions of policemen instructed to shoot to kill.

Odinga emphasized that globally, police are not supposed to shoot and kill peaceful protesters but instead protect lives and property.

He condemned any police officer who shoots to kill labeling them as criminals who should be dealt with according to the law.

Odinga questioned the government about the identity of hired goons and who was responsible for hiring them.

He criticized the civilian authorities for their failure, especially in light of the government's decision to deploy the military.

Odinga argued that the military's primary role is to protect the country from foreign aggression not to control civilian protests.

He urged people to remain firm in their resolve, assuring them that God is on their side.

In his address, Odinga highlighted the need for accountability and proper conduct by the authorities.

He called for justice for those affected by the violence and insisted on the protection of the right to peaceful protest. His message was a call for peace, justice, and adherence to the law in handling civil demonstrations.



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