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Israel Makes Largest West Bank Land Seizure in Three Decades: Anti-Settlement Group

opera.com 2 days ago

Israeli soldiers stand guard as Palestinian demonstrators gather during a protest against Israeli settlements in Beita town near Nablus in the Israeli-occupied West Bank March 2, 2020. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman

Israel has recently approved what anti-settlement watchdogs are calling the largest land seizure in the occupied West Bank in over three decades, marking a significant escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to the Israeli group Peace Now, authorities sanctioned the appropriation of 12.7 square kilometers (nearly 5 square miles) of land in the Jordan Valley. This move represents the most substantial single appropriation since the 1993 Oslo Accords, which marked a pivotal moment in the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, according to AP.

The timing of this land seizure has heightened tensions already inflamed by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. In recent months, violence has escalated in the West Bank, characterized by frequent Israeli military operations that often lead to deadly confrontations with Palestinian militants.

Although the approval for this significant land appropriation was granted late last month, it was only publicly disclosed this Wednesday. This latest action follows earlier seizures of 8 square kilometers (roughly 3 square miles) in March and 2.6 square kilometers (1 square mile) in February, making 2024 a record year for Israeli land seizures in the West Bank, according to Peace Now.

The newly appropriated parcels are situated northeast of Ramallah, the administrative hub of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority. By designating these areas as state lands, the Israeli government has effectively opened them for leasing to Israeli citizens while prohibiting private Palestinian ownership—a move vehemently opposed by Palestinians.

The expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank has long been a contentious issue, viewed by Palestinians and much of the international community as a major obstacle to achieving a lasting peace agreement. These settlements are considered illegal or illegitimate under international law, while Israel contends that the West Bank holds historical and religious significance for the Jewish people, opposing Palestinian claims for statehood.

Since capturing the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East War, Israel has established over 100 settlements across the West Bank. These settlements, some resembling fully developed suburbs or towns, are home to more than 500,000 Jewish settlers who hold Israeli citizenship. Meanwhile, the 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank live under Israeli military rule, with the Palestinian Authority governing parts of the territory but barred from operating in 60% of it where settlements are located.

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