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Gwoza: The Suicide Bombers Smuggled In Through The Women That Came Back From Their Farms- Sugum Mele

opera.com 4 days ago

(Victims of victims consoling themselves after the spate of suicide bomb attacks that hit Gwoza).

Sugum Mai Mele, the Commissioner of Local Government and Emirates Affairs in Borno, has revealed that one of the suicide bombers involved in the recent attacks in Gwoza Local Government Area (LGA) begged for alms before detonating her explosive.

Mele made this disclosure on Channels TV on Monday, while discussing the attacks that occurred on Saturday.

According to Mele, four suicide bombers launched attacks at different locations in Gwoza, targeting a wedding and funeral gathering.

The attacks resulted in the deaths of 32 people, with many others seriously injured.

The commissioner explained that the bombers disguised themselves as farmers to gain access to the town through military gates.

(Victims of the wave of blasts in Gwoza being treated for injuries at a hospital in Maiduguri).

Mele attributed the success of the bombers' infiltration to laxity in the screening exercise at the military gates.

He said that while farmers were usually registered and issued taxes before going to their farms, the bombers exploited this weakness by entering the town among the farmers returning from their fields.

He said, "The farmers usually go to their farms in the morning. They pass through the military gates while going and coming back from their farms. The suicide bombers smuggled in through the women that came back from their farms.

"There is some laxity on the part of the screening exercise. Before now, when the farmers were going out, they issued tax and would be registered.

"In the evening when they come back, it will be marked in the register that they have come in.

"Anybody who didn't come in after the closing hours should be arrested or not allowed to go in."

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