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How To Cheer Your Partner When They Are Feeling Down.

opera.com 2024/10/5

When you have someone that you love and appreciate you want to make sure that they are okay and If they are feeling down you feel like cheering them up. Your partner will probably appreciate the attention that you are going to give to them and they will most likely reciprocate when you are in need so cheering your partner up when they are feeling down is one of the most important things in a relationship.

And yes this doesn’t mean that they get to drag you down with them and that you must feel upset. You can do the opposite and bring them out of the hole they are in after all you are the one that knows best what would make them happy but here are some examples that you should say to ensure that they know that you are there to help.

1. “No matter what happens I will always love you.”

If your partner is going through something that will probably affect you as well they might feel like they are failing you. This could be something like losing a job or doing something that bothers you

Just assure them that even if you are fighting or if they are sad because they are worried about your reaction, you will still love them because your love doesn’t depend on that.

2. “Emotions are temporary, this will pass.”

If they are feeling overwhelmed you can use this phrase. It is not to undermine their feelings but to assure them that all is temporary and that they will feel happy again soon.

3. “I am here, don’t forget that.”

This reassures your partner that you are present and right next to them and this makes them feel safe and taken care of. When you can’t do much about how your partner is feeling, reassuring them that you are there to support them will make it better.

4. “Your worries are valid, I am listening to you.”

When your partner decides to open up about what they are going through you can try to constantly reassure them that you understand them and that you are listening to them. This will make them feel like what they are saying is not nonsense

5. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.”

Sometimes when people are feeling down they want to be alone to process their feelings, you can leave them alone if that is what they desire but make sure to state that you will also be there for them when they ask for it.

Also they might just want some water or a little bit of snacks to go through whatever is happening to them.

6. “Everything happens for a reason and this will bring you something much better.”

This phrase will help your partner understand that even when something negative happens to you it will bring you something more positive or even way better than what they are maybe losing.

7. “Trust yourself because you know exactly what to do.”

When your partner is doubting themselves you can say this to assure them that not only should they trust themselves in what they are doing but that you also trust them.

8. “Let's Go For A Nice Stroll.”

He likes to talk about his feelings and things that are going on so usually we will go for a walk while he talks and sometimes asks for my input. If he does ask for my input I will give it other than that I will just listen to all he says and If it’s been a stressful week for him I’ll make sure I say hey let's go for a stroll I could sing you some songs while we have some snacks

Putting the option out there usually means he ends up joining and it helps.

9. “Let's have a little romantic date tonight.”

When your guy tells you via text message that he had a bad day, you can immediately start planning your romantic evening when you get home

Romance is something that can brighten anyone’s mood and can turn a bad day into a good one. Get to personalize the place with a romantic atmosphere with candles, wine, champagne, relaxing music, your favorite food, and much more You can get lots of romantic ideas online to brighten up your guy’s mood

You should also work on your look and try to look really pretty to fully complement the romantic evening.

Making your partner feel understood and loved is a priority when they are feeling down and being there to support them through their hardships will make them feel appreciated and important. Make sure that when you are feeling down you get the same treatment that you are giving, it will not only make you feel better but also your partner for being there for you.

If your partner has different boundaries set for when they are feeling down make sure to respect them.

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