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How can you say You're celebrating Abiola while Kanu is languishing in incarceration–Bolaji Akinyemi

opera.com 4 days ago

According to Independent Nigeria, Dr. Bolaji O. Akinyemi, a notable public affairs analyst and advocate for good governance, has expressed strong opinions on the recent proposal to rename Aso Rock Villa in honor of Chief Moshood Abiola. Dr. Akinyemi, who is also the Convener of the Apostolic Round Table (ART) and Chairman of the Board of Trustees (BoT) of Project Victory Call Initiative (PVC Naija), addressed several pressing national issues in a recent discussion.

Responding to the call to rename the Villa, Dr. Akinyemi asserted that such symbolic gestures fall short of addressing the significant losses represented by Abiola. He emphasized that the late Chief Abiola's legacy is rooted in the ideals of free and fair elections, the rule of law, and the protection of human rights—principles that were undermined during his time. According to Dr. Akinyemi, merely naming a building after Abiola cannot compensate for the broader democratic values and rights that were compromised.

Drawing a parallel with the current situation of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Dr. Akinyemi questioned the integrity of celebrating Abiola while continuing to detain individuals like Kanu, whose rights have been similarly neglected. He pointed out that Kanu remains incarcerated despite court rulings that have ordered his release. This ongoing detention, Dr. Akinyemi argued, starkly contrasts with the democratic ideals that Abiola championed and for which he ultimately paid the ultimate price.

He said: Whatever they want to name after Abiola can’t make up for Abiola. What was lost in Abiola was a free and fair election, the rule of law and human rights. How can you say you are celebrating Abiola by naming the Villa that held him down to incarceration till he died after him, while Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is still languishing in incarceration again? What happened to his rights to freedom after the court freed him? Are we waiting for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, a man held against the constitution and his right to justice to die in a ‘democracy’ before we do the right thing? What a democracy!

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