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Uhuru, Raila, 4 Others Mentioned As Govt Bloggers Allegedly Name Who's Sponsoring Gen Z Protests

opera.com 2 days ago

Opposition allied blogger Pauline Njoroge accused the government allied bloggers of constantly linking the ongoing anti-government protests to people perceived to be "opponents" of the Kenya Kwanza administration.

Njoroge who made her feelings clear through a Facebook post, now says that the government of the day has failed to own up issues raised by Kenyans, only to adopt one narrative to counter the grievances, "We are being sabotaged by our opponents"

"One of the biggest threats we are facing as a country is having a government that will never own up to its mistakes, and there is only one narrative to counter grievances, “We are being sabotaged by our opponents!” She said

Njoroge said that instead taking their time to accuse others of sponsoring the protests, the government allied bloggers should now focus their energy and attention on telling Kenyans the steps, that are being taken by the government to address issues raise by Kenyans.

"Visit the pages of every pro-government blogger right now and you will notice one thing; instead of highlighting the steps that the administration is taking towards addressing governance and policy issues raised by Gen Z and Kenyans in general, or even giving hope that things will get better as the president is working on this or the other, they are propagating one line of thought." She

Njoroge alleged that the government allied bloggers are now accusing former President Uhuru Kenyatta, Azimio supremo Raila Odinga and the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua of sponsoring the anti-government demonstrations.

Njoroge also said that the bloggers have also linked Russia, ODM party, LGBT activists and illuminati to the ongoing protests.

"The government is being fought by Russians .LGBTQ supporters are behind these protests .The protests are being sponsored by Illuminati .Uhuru and Raila are funding the demos .The demos are sponsored by ODM and Gachagua" she added


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