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There Was A Time My Son Falz Asked His Mother; Is My Father A Criminal? And She Said No —Femi Falana

opera.com 2024/6/23

Femi Falana, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), has shared a poignant anecdote about his family's experience during Nigeria's military rule.

Speaking in an interview on Channels Television's Politics Today programme, Falana, known for his relentless fight for human rights and democracy, disclosed that his son, Falz, questioned his mother about his father's frequent arrests, wondering if Falana was a criminal.

Falana recounted how his activism led to numerous night-time arrests by the authorities, often resulting in prolonged detentions.

During one such period, young Falz, confused by his father's absence and the stigma of arrests, turned to his mother for answers.

Falana noted that at school, Falz had learned that arrests were typically reserved for criminal suspects, leading to his troubling question about his integrity.

The Senior Advocate stated that Falz's mother clarified the situation, explaining to her son that the military government of the time did not only arrest criminals.

She told him that brave individuals who stood up against injustice and demanded democratic governance were also targeted by the regime.

Falana disclosed that this explanation helped young Falz understand the broader context of his father's activism and the sacrifices involved in the fight for democracy.

Falana said, "There was a time my son Falz asked his mother, 'We were told in school that only criminal suspects are arrested. Is my father a criminal?

"And my wife said no, the government arrests two types of people: criminals and those who are fighting against injustice under a military dictator and who are asking the military to allow democracy."

Watch the interview video here (start from 15:14).

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