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85-Year-Old Ugandan Deputy Prime Minister Moses Ali Shows Off Impressive Dance Moves

opera.com 2 days ago

Moses Ali, the 85-year-old Ugandan Deputy Prime Minister, has shown off his impressive dance moves, defying his age and showcasing his energy and vitality. The veteran politician, who has announced his intention to run for the Adjumani West parliamentary seat again in 2026, proved that he still has the moves.

Born on April 5, 1939, Gen (Rtd) Moses Ali is a Ugandan politician and retired military general. He has served as the elected Member of Parliament for East Moyo County in Adjumani District since 2011 and is currently the Second Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of Government Business in Parliament.

During a recent event in Kiraba Parish, Adjumani District, Gen Moses Ali distributed 130 land titles and inaugurated key community projects. He reaffirmed his commitment to serving his constituents, stating that he still has the energy to serve the people of Adjumani West. He also emphasized the democratic process of elections, welcoming competition from potential candidates.

Gen Moses Ali's dedication to public service and infrastructure development continues to resonate strongly within his constituency and beyond. His impressive dance moves have added a new dimension to his public image, showcasing his youthful spirit and enthusiasm despite his advanced age.

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