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People Profiting from the Oil and Gas sector racket are unhappy with Dangote's achievements- Omole

opera.com 3 days ago

Following a recent fire incident at the Dangote Refinery in Lagos, international legal expert Dr. Charles Omole has advised the management to establish a robust security infrastructure to protect the facility. 

According to Sahara Reporters, a segment of Lagos-based Dangote Refinery in Lagos was engulfed with fire on Wednesday afternoon, June 26, 2024. Fortunately, the company was able to contain the fire, preventing any further damage.

Reaction to the news, Omole in a post on his official X handle on Wednesday, claimed that there were individuals benefiting from the corrupt practices in the Oil and Gas sector, who are unhappy with Dangote's achievements with his refinery.

To prevent occurrences like such again, Omole urged Dangote to set up a three-layer security approach. Firstly, a data gathering and intelligence unit. Secondly, an early warning system to alert security personnel of potential dangers. Thirdly, an internal physical intervention team to respond to threats. Additionally, Omole emphasized the need for a fire fighting infrastructure within the refinery to ensure preparedness, in case such incident happens again.

His post read: "Dangote needs to setup a special security infrastructure to secure his refinery. There are many who are benefiting from the current racket going on within our Oil and Gas sector that are not happy with his commendable achievements with the refinery. He needs to setup a three layer security net. First will be purely data gathering and intelligence based. Second will be a series of early warning systems. Third will be an internal physical intervention team to act on intelligence. He also need to build an internal fire fighting infrastructure that is second to none. Nigeria must succeed and enemies of our country will all fail."

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