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What dialogue is Zakayo promising Gen Z while still carrying out abductions? - Martha Karua

opera.com 6 days ago

The ongoing nationwide protests led by Generation Z (Gen Z) and Millennials have captured the nation’s attention. As the Finance Bill, 2024, continues to spark controversy, young Kenyans remain steadfast in their demands for change. However, amidst the demonstrations, reports of abductions have raised serious concerns.

The Unyielding Protests

Despite the risks, Gen Z protesters have not wavered. They march through the streets, chanting anti-President William Ruto slogans, and carrying the bodies of their fallen comrades. Their grievances extend beyond tax hikes proposed in the Finance Bill; they also decry corruption and cronyism within the Kenya Kwanza administration.

On their placards, the protesters express opposition to a broken system that enriches those in power at the expense of ordinary citizens. They lament the apparent capture of Parliament by the Executive, which has left lawmakers seemingly indifferent to their plight.

President Ruto’s Promised Dialogue

President Ruto had promised to engage with the protesters to address their concerns. However, actions have yet to match his words. The controversial bill remains in play, and the young Kenyans feel unheard.

State-Sanctioned Abductions

Adding to the tension, reports of State-sanctioned abductions persist. Influential voices critical of the Finance Bill have been targeted. Among those abducted are newspaper columnist and Parliament staffer Gabriel Oguda, as well as bloggers Shadrack Kiprono, Drey Mwangi, Kevin Monari, and Frank Githaka. These individuals had vowed to participate in paralyzing the nation, and their abduction mirrors historical struggles for independence and freedom.

The Call for Dialogue

As the protests escalate, the plan is to occupy Parliament. Thousands of Kenyans have responded to this call, converging in Nairobi’s Central Business District. However, they face live bullets, tear gas, and batons. Amidst this chaos, the question remains: What dialogue is Zakayo promising Gen Z while still carrying out abductions?

The nation watches, hoping for a resolution that prioritizes peaceful dialogue over violence. Gen Z’s unwavering determination demands a response—one that acknowledges their grievances and seeks a path forward.

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