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How A Priest Came Outside To Give His Life Christ After I Ministered In A Church -David Oyedepo

opera.com 2024/9/28

In a recent video on YouTube, Bishop David Oyedepo, founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, emphasized the paramount significance of the Bible, referring to it as “the book” that contains God’s comprehensive vision and plan for humanity. Oyedepo's address focused on the necessity of being "born again" to fully comprehend and unlock the transformative power of this sacred text.

Highlighting the gravity of true conversion, Oyedepo recounted how a fellow believer was advised to persistently respond to altar calls at different churches until genuine salvation was achieved. This persistence, he noted, reflects the serious pursuit of spiritual renewal.

According to him, "God’s vision of all is contained in the book and the book is called the Bible. Volume of 66 books. They said “John who are you?” “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness.” From the book. The vision of all is in the book. God’s plan for you and me is in the book. If nothing is changing, there is something wrong. He said the book is sealed. Do you know what seals it? If you are not born again. Not everybody in Church is born again, don’t ever make that mistake. They might be in front seat in Church, it doesn’t mean they are born again. I have been in church where I ministered and the priest of the Church came out to accept Christ. One of us had a challenge and one of my elder ones said he should go to another Church and be answering altar call every day until when he is saved."

Watch the YouTube video here.

Fast forward YouTube video from 43 minutes 30 seconds to 45 minutes 45 seconds

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