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KTN News Reveals Current Situation in Nairobi CBD Ahead of Planned Demos- VIDEO

opera.com 3 days ago

KTN News reporter has this morning reported that from the look of things, the number of people making inroads into the Nairobi CBD has doubled and that normalcy has resumed with a video of Bodaboda riders going about their businesses in Tom Mboya street among others.

According to the video obtained from KTN News YouTube live feed, heavy police presence has been witnessed across various streets and roads in Nairobi CBD, hinting that the much anticipated protests might fail to take place.

Yesterday at night, a Twitter space attended by around 80,000 attendees resolved that there was a need by the Gen Zees to tone down protests now that it is evident and clear that political leaders across the political divide have began to sponsor goons with reports revealing that atleast 2 political leaders from Nairobi are responsible for the looting and destruction of properties that were witnessed on Tuesday during demos.

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