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There is so much confusion in the 1999 Constitution as handed over to us by the military–Doyin Okupe

opera.com 5 days ago

The Nation claims that Former Labour Party Presidential Campaign Council director-general Dr. Doyin Okupe recently stated that he thought the single-tenure rotating presidency was a viable idea for Nigeria. He thinks that this concept could advance the growth of the nation if it is carefully put into practice. Former presidential spokesman Okupe underlined the value of approaching such big constitutional amendments with caution and careful thought.

Thirty-five members of the House of Representatives have proposed that the President and governors serve one six-year term each. The purpose of this law is to encourage equity and inclusivity in the leadership of Nigeria by supporting the rotation of the presidency among the country's six geopolitical zones. The idea tries to address concerns about power concentration and the need for fair regional representation. It is modeled after Mexico's six-year single-term presidential system.

Even though he supported it, Okupe expressed disapproval of the 1999 Constitution, pointing out that despite multiple revisions, it still has a lot of problems and contradictions. He drew attention to the document's inconsistencies and ambiguities, which were first created by the military. According to Okupe's comments, while a single-tenure rotating presidency would be a start in the right direction, effective administration and constitutional reform depend on addressing the fundamental problems with the document.

In order to create a stable and functional political framework for Nigeria, Okupe urges lawmakers to carefully consider all aspects of the proposed changes. This viewpoint emphasizes the need for a thorough and inclusive process in reforming the nation's governance structures to ensure lasting and meaningful improvements. He advocates for a comprehensive and holistic approach to constitutional reform rather than piecemeal amendments.

He said: There is so much confusion and contradiction in the 1999 Constitution as prescribed and handed over to us by the military. I would rather we have a holistic approach to this reform or amendment.

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