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5 Actions that can push your partner away

opera.com 1 day ago

1.Treating someone like an option

Everyone wants to be treated well. When good treatment is missing in a relationship it pushes one away from the other. Nobody wants to be treated like an option, treat each other as a priority and watch how the relationship will flourish. Treating someone as a priority eliminates doubt and insecurity in a relationship.

2. Making your partner feel alone when they need you the most.

Do not shun the needs of your partner. Never put other things ahead of the time you should spend with your partner. Most relationships end because one person is feeling lonely and neglected by the other.

3. Not being completely honest with your partner

The best gift you can give the person you love is total honesty. When you are wrong be honest, admit your wrong, forgiveness and mercy will be shown. Don't argue especially when you are wrong. Be honest when you are not comfortable with anything.

4. Empty promises

Giving your partner false hope on a regular basis rather than making changes in your behavior will encourage them to leave you. Never make a promise you can't keep. Once will be considered a mistake, but repeatedly is a sign of weakness and not being a trust worthy person. Remember to keep every promise you make no matter how little you think it is.

5. The silent treatment

The silent treatment is the worst kind of punishment or treatment you can give someone. It can slowly drive a person insane. It takes away your peace of mind. Giving you different thoughts and ideas. It's better to inform the person of his mistake or Wrong, than to give him a silent treatment.

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