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Boni Khalwale Demands for the Sacking of Musalia Mudavadi and David Ndii from the Government

opera.com 2 days ago

Boni Khalwale has called for the sacking of Musalia Mudavadi and David Ndii from the government. Boni Khalwale encouraged the president to disband all unconstitutional offices in the current government.

Boni Khalwale believes that many Kenyans have been angered by the creation of many unconstitutional offices by the president. These government officials have been earning large amounts of taxpayer's money for the last few months.

The senator has encouraged the president to address the issue of government expenditure. Boni Khalwale believes that public funds should be directed to more critical sectors like healthcare and education. He accused the government of misplaced priorities.

Many young people have been engaged in protests against the government for the last few days. Several people stormed into parliament building several days ago during the debate on the controversial Finance Bill. They accused members of parliament of betraying Kenyans.

Boni Khalwale insists that the president should make serious changes to the government. He claimed that many people in the country have lost confidence in the current regime. He advised the president to take decisive actions within the next few days.

Boni Khalwale is the senator for Kakamega county. He is also the Senate Majority Whip. He was elected during the general elections in 2022. He has served in parliament for more than twenty years. He enjoys a large following in the country.

The veteran leader has encouraged the president to address the issue of corruption in the country. He revealed that many public officials have been misappropriating public funds in the country for a long time.


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