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5 Signs That You Are In A Relationship With A Time Waster

opera.com 2 days ago

I once told a friend that knowing whether someone is really into you or just wasting your time is not a difficult task, all you have to do is read the handwriting on the wall; when you use your head and not your heart you will find the answer that you seek.e

Here are the five pointers that you are in a relationship with a time waster.

1. Inconsistent communication - Isn't it an age-long truth that communication is the lifeblood of every relationship? When someone wants you in their life, it doesn't matter if they are far away or busy, they will make time to hear your voice. A lover who seldom calls to ask how you are faring might not be interested in you.

2. The relationship is not progressing - With time, a partner is supposed to open up and bring you closer. They will open up and talk about anything and everything and that includes their plans for the future. If they seldom talk about the future or when they do you are not mentioned in it, then they do not see you in their tomorrow.

3. You are not involved in their plans - This is another red flag. People in relationship love and enjoy doing things together, so when your partner does not involve you in their plans and you do not know what's going on in their life, then you might just be wasting your time.

4. Reluctant to meet your family and friends - When a relationship is progressing, it is only natural to get introduced to your partner's family and friends, but when they are reluctant to let the important people in their lives meet you and they are unwilling to meet your, you should be wary.

5. When your instincts tell you they are holding back - Love is an action word, it would not leave you in doubt, if it leaves you in doubt and you keep having this nagging feeling of being taken for a ride, then it's a settled fact.

What would you do when you realize that you are with a time waster? Sometimes we know that something is off about a person but we are often reluctant to admit it. Our hearts often long to hold on to the familiar, but it's better not to hang around hoping that you can prove your worth and make your significant other fall for you someday. If you continue to hang on to them, a time would come when your heart will be badly battered. Walk away now with your dignity intact, walking away is not just a sign that you believe that you are worthy of love, it's also the only way of allowing yourself to meet that special one who would love you truly.

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