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"Walipoteza Direction" 2 People Rushing To Prayer Session Die In Bodaboda Accident

opera.com 3 days ago

Tragedy struck along the Rongo-Homa Bay Road, claiming the lives of two individuals in a heartbreaking incident on Monday, July 1.

The victims, both middle-aged men, were en route to a prayer session when their journey was abruptly cut short by a fatal collision involving their motorbike and a speeding long-distance truck.

Eyewitnesses recounted that the accident was triggered by a burst tire on the motorbike, causing the rider to lose control.

Despite efforts to regain stability, the motorbike veered into the path of the oncoming truck, leading to a catastrophic collision.

One of the victims, the boda boda rider, was thrown into a ditch upon impact, while his passenger was tragically run over by the truck.

Local residents expressed shock and grief over the incident, highlighting concerns about the safety of the road.

They noted that such accidents are unfortunately not uncommon in the area, often involving vehicles traveling at high speeds.

Calls have been made for authorities to consider road expansion to enhance safety for all road users.

The driver of the truck involved in the accident, Wesley Kosgei, shared his account, indicating that he attempted to swerve upon seeing the motorbike in his lane but was unable to avoid the collision. He reported the incident to the authorities promptly after fleeing from the scene briefly.

The bodies of the deceased were taken to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital for identification and preservation. As the community mourns this loss, efforts are underway to support the families affected by this devastating accident.

Here's the link to the story


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