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Nigeria's economic: “Tinubu Didn't Cause Problem; 10 years of Denial & Kicking Can Down Road Led to Sorry State-Gov Soludo

opera.com 2024/6/24

Anambra State Governor, Charles Soludo, has absolved President Bola Tinubu of blame for Nigeria's economic woes, tracing the problems to over a decade of denial and procrastination. Soludo stated that the country is now facing the consequences of "delayed and misguided adjustments" made to the economy from a macroeconomic standpoint.

The governor emphasized that Tinubu has a historic responsibility to rally Nigerians to address the economic mess and secure a better future for generations to come. "We are now suffering the consequences... Tinubu has the historic duty to mobilize Nigerians to clean up the mess," Soludo said.

Soludo's comments highlight the need for collective action to address Nigeria's economic challenges, which have been exacerbated by years of poor economic management. By urging Tinubu to mobilize Nigerians, Soludo is emphasizing the importance of a united approach to tackling the country's economic woes and ensuring a sustainable future.

In a recent interview with The Cable, Charles Soludo said "President Tinubu did not cause the problem, it took more than 10 years of living in denial and kicking the can down the road to get to this predictable sorry state. We are now suffering the consequences of what I call delayed and misguided adjustments from a macroeconomic standpoint of the economy. Tinubu has the historic duty to mobilize Nigerians to clean up the mess for future generations.”

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