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Bring Down The Price Of Food, If You Don’t Do It, There Will Be A Massive Protest—Primate Ayodele.

opera.com 2024/9/28

Primate Elijah Ayodele, the Leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, has urged President Bola Tinubu to take immediate action to address the economic hardship and food insecurity in the country. Ayodele warned that if the prices of food commodities are not brought down, there will be a massive protest that will affect every sector of the nation.

"The government should improve agriculture to prevent unnecessary hardship. There's a lot to do to bring down food prices. If you don't do it now, there will be a massive protest. All this propaganda won't help; let them face reality," Ayodele said.

He added, "President Tinubu, don't allow another massive protest to happen. Let there be food on the table of Nigerians. Do something about this inflation to avoid hardship. I see another massive protest that will affect every quarter. If there's no improvement by August-September, it will be terrible."

Ayodele also advised the president to declare a state of emergency on the economy and electricity, as both sectors are not improving. He emphasized the need for adequate power supply to boost the economy.

"President Tinubu should address economic hardship now and improve electricity supply. If there's no adequate power supply, it will affect the economy badly. They should declare a state of emergency on electricity because nothing is improving," Ayodele said.

The prophet warned that the impending protest will be bigger than the popular EndSARS protest, as every Nigerian will participate to express their displeasure with the current administration.

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