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Grand Mulla: William Ruto Needs To Dismiss His UDA Govt And Form a Govt Of National Unity

opera.com 6 days ago

Senior lawyer Hon. Ahmednasir Abdullahi aka Grand Mulla has asked president William Ruto to dismiss his UDA goverment and form a National unity goverment that will accommodate all kenyans.

"President William Ruto needs to dismiss his UDA government and form a government of National Unity. accommodating all Kenyans". Said Hon. Ahmednasir Abdullahi.

This could guarantee him the remainder of his term ensure stability, and possibly fostering national cohesion. Equally capable to pave the way for a future return if he successfully turns things around.

People seem not to understand that Kenya has turned a new page. People do not want to see thieves regrouping.People want to see all thieves out and on their way to jail. People want new faces. Kenyans are yearning for a clean slate. Recycling trash won’t do.

It's now a matter of wait and see what happens in the coming days if president William Ruto will take his advice or not.

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