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Inmates in the camps have resorted to makeshift shelters, with some using toilets as bedrooms

opera.com 2024/6/26

Investigations by Arewa PUNCH have revealed that despite the harsh living conditions in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps across Benue State, many inmates are still having children. The camps, which have been in existence for almost eight years, lack basic amenities like potable water, food, security, and healthcare.

According to reliable sources, at least 25 new births were recorded in seven designated camps between May and June 2024. The Agagbe Camp in Gwer West LGA recorded nine births, while the Otese Camp in Guma LGA recorded six births.

Inmates in the camps have resorted to makeshift shelters, with some using toilets, bare floors, and overgrown bushes as makeshift bedrooms. Despite these challenges, the inmates have found ways to cope, with some engaging in farming and menial jobs to augment the meager resources provided by the government and corporate bodies.

The Benue State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) has acknowledged the challenges faced by the IDPs and has appealed for support from stakeholders, including the government, non-governmental organizations, and the international community. SEMA has also commended the United Nations agencies for their support and contributions towards improving the living conditions of the IDPs.

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