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Upon sighting the policemen, Abdulwasiu abandoned his motorcycle and took to his heels

opera.com 6 days ago

According to Punch, A 28-year-old fake soldier, Abdulazizi Abdulwasiu, was arrested in Lagos State for wearing his friend's army camouflage uniform. He was caught riding an unregistered motorcycle in the Ajangbadi area on June 14, 2024. The policemen attached to the Ilemba Hausa Division, who were on surveillance patrol on Jinadu Street, intercepted Abdulwasiu. He was fully dressed in a complete army camouflage uniform, attempting to pose as a soldier.

Abdulwasiu attempted to flee from the policemen, abandoning his motorcycle and taking to his heels. However, the policemen gave him a hot chase, arrested him, and took him to the station. During interrogation, he confessed that the uniform belonged to his friend, a soldier serving in Maiduguri, Borno State. He admitted that he was not a soldier and had no authority to wear the uniform.

The Lagos State Police Command has commenced an investigation into the case. This arrest highlights the ongoing efforts to curb fraud and impersonation in the state. The police are working to uncover the motives behind Abdulwasiu's actions and determine if he has any links to other fraudulent activities.

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