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What Ruto Is Allegedly Planning To Do To End The Gen Z Protests

opera.com 5 days ago

Wahome Thuku has come out to allege that the Tuesday protests of this past week scared the president and gave him a light that he can easily be taken down and he doesn't want that to happen. Thuku says that the Gen Z protests were 10 times effective than the Azimio protests held in 2023.

Wahome has said that Ruto's plan is to contain the reoccurrence of the Tuesday protests and to neutralize any other street protest than may be planned in the future. Wahome has alleged that Ruto has two plans to deal with the Gen Zs. One of to engage them in dialogues by creating Multi-sectoral Forums but that may not be very effective.

To sink the point deeper Wahome has said that Ruto will scare them by carrying out executions in public like what has been experienced in the last two protests. By killing some of the protesters who he has called criminals the other will be afraid to come out again. Wahome predicts that those who attacked and invaded parliament will be used as an example to sell fear.

"WILLIAM read the memo clearly on Tuesday that this generation can easily take him down. The Tuesday events in total were 10 times more effective and successful than the Azimio Road Shows that come with Raila on the sunroof. The next mission for William is to plan how to contain the Tuesday recurrence and at least neutralize street protests. He will do it by splitting the demos into two - The Peaceful and the "criminals".

He knows he can entice the Peaceful Gen Zs with a dialogue here and there and some multi-sectoral committee. But the real way of ensuring the Gen Zs will never show up on the streets again, is to hit the "criminal group" hard. Do you know why some regimes carrying out public executions? It's to scare those with such intentions and even those with no such intentions.

In William's mind, those who raided Parliament give him the best tool to use to scare the "Uber-KFC" demonstors. Whether it will work or not is a different story." Wahome said.

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