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27 Lawmakers: They were not acting a movie script, I saw them carry the flag of APC–Inibehe Effiong

opera.com 6 days ago

In a candid interview on Arise TV, a lawyer and human rights activist, Inibehe Effiong has expressed confidence in the authenticity of the recent defections of some lawmakers from the Peoples Democratic Party to the All Progressives Congress in Rivers State, citing the public nature of their announcement and the participation of APC leadership in welcoming them to the party.

He emphasized that since the defected lawmakers have not made any public statements to suggest they have returned to the PDP or disavowed their new APC membership, it is reasonable to believe that their defections are genuine.

Inibehe Effiong said this while reacting to the claim that the 27 lawmakers who defected from the PDP are still members of the party.

He said, "I choose to believe the members who defected because I don't think they were lying. I don't think they were acting a movie script. We saw it on National Television. We heard it from them directly, they told us they have defected to PDP. They have not come back to tell Nigerians that they have returned to the PDP. I saw them carry the flag of the APC, I saw them sing the songs of the APC. I even saw the Rivers State chairman of the APC associating them, declaring them members."


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