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How to flirt with your crush

opera.com 5 days ago

Flirting with someone you like can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. But fear not! Here are some straightforward tips to help you make a great impression and take your flirting game to the next level:

1.Eye Contact: Lock eyes with your crush. It shows interest and engagement. Plus, it’s a subtle way to connect.

2.Start a Conversation: Break the ice by asking about their day or finding common ground. Simple questions work wonders.

3.Body Language: Lean in a bit when talking to them. Smile genuinely. Lightly touch their arm or shoulder. These gestures show you’re interested.

4.Keep It Short and Sweet: Don’t overstay your welcome. Leave them wanting more. Mystery is intriguing!

5.Compliment Early: A sincere compliment goes a long way. Show appreciation—it leaves a positive impression.

6.Stay Casual: Relax tension-free interactions feel more natural. Be yourself.

7.Take the Leap: Don’t hesitate to ask them out. Coffee? Movie night? Show you’re serious about getting to know them.

Finally, flirting with your crush can be fun! Follow these tips, and who knows? You might start a new relationship. Go ahead, take that first step! 😊

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