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Sokoto State Government Seeks to Amend Law on Traditional Rulers' Appointment

opera.com 5 days ago

The Sokoto State Government has proposed an amendment to the state's local government law of 2009, which would give the executive governor the power to appoint and depose traditional rulers. The Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Nasiru Mohammed Binji, explained that the constitution grants the executive governor the prerogative power to appoint or dethrone District or Village heads, and not traditional institutions.

Binji stated that the amendment aims to correct the long-standing tradition of the Sultan appointing and deposing traditional rulers in the state, which is inconsistent with the Nigerian constitution. He emphasized that the constitution only provides an advisory role to traditional institutions on cultural and chieftaincy matters.

According to a report by Daily Post, however, Dr. Balarabe Shehu Kakale, a former member of the National Assembly, opposed the bill, arguing that it lacks the support of the majority of state indigenes and is politically motivated. He advised the legislature to enact a separate law for the established Sultanate council instead.

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