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Recce Squad Deployed To Flush Out Sniper Who Shot Officer From Building in Nairobi CBD (Video)

opera.com 4 days ago

The Elite squad from Recce has been deployed to hunt for suspected sniper who shot an officer from second floor of a building in Nairobi's Central Business District (CBD).

According to reports, police officers noticed gunshots coming from the top of KCB Bank building along Moi avenue, allegedly shooting an officer. Officers from Recce squad backed by select special OP officers reacted swiftly and stormed in.

The sniper who confined in the building did not manage to leave as other police blocked all exits out of the building. An operation ensued and they camouflaged in phases to exit with alledged sniper. Sources indicate the sniper could have been a police officer.

Witnesses gathered at the scene forcing the police to cordon off the area and declaring it an active crime scene. The bank was temporarily closed and the access road shut down to allow investigations.

Chaos erupted at Nairobi's CBD on Tuesday after hundreds of protesters took to the streets to demonstrate while chanting ‘Ruto must go’ slogans and waving placards.

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