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Situation Happening In Nairobi CBD (PHOTOS)

opera.com 2 days ago

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, a group of Kenyans in Nairobi held a march in memory of the young people who were slain in the anti-government and anti-Finance Bill demonstrations.

Kenyans holding signs and the national flag sang "Rest in Power" in remembrance of their fellow countrymen who died in the protests during a TikTok live session that K24 Digital saw.

Marching from the CBD to Upper Hill, thousands of people chanted anti-government slogans and criticisms of police use of force to disperse protesters. They chanted, "Stop killing us, we're peaceful."

Older Kenyans and younger people, including kids, made up the groups. The violent demonstrations that took place last week resulted in over 300 injuries and over 29 fatalities.

Numerous human rights organizations have come out to denounce the government, and police for using excessive force and have urged them to use caution.

Volker Tür, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, has denounced the government and urged the Kenya Kwanza government to permit communication.

"UN Human Rights Chief @volker_turk, who is saddened by recent deaths and injuries in the context of protests, calls for restraint to facilitate the rights to peaceful assembly & expression and dialogue to hear the voices of young people." Accountability and investigations are crucial, he said.

LINK: https://t.co/b1O8VDDCT8

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