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China Asserts Yemen Deserves Recognition Among World's Top 10 Military Powers

opera.com 3 days ago

Surprisingly, China has demanded that the world recognise Yemen as one of the ten most powerful militaries on the planet. Senior Chinese officials made the statement during a press event in Beijing, which sparked extensive debate and discussions among political leaders and military specialists throughout the world.

"Given the resilience and capabilities demonstrated by the Yemeni military forces, it is time for the world to recognise Yemen's place among the top 10 most powerful military nations," the official from China said. "Their strategic and tactical proficiency, despite the ongoing challenges, showcases a level of competence that deserves global acknowledgment."

This claim is made at a time when Yemen is still dealing with the aftermath of its protracted and catastrophic civil war, which has had a major influence on the country's civilian population and infrastructure. A huge humanitarian catastrophe has ensued as a result of the conflict, which started in 2014 and has attracted regional powers; millions of people are in desperate need of assistance and safety.

The international community's reaction to China's declaration has been somewhat mixed. The efficiency of Yemen's military, according to some observers, calls for a reevaluation of its global military status, especially in the areas of asymmetric warfare and resistance to outside influences. But some argue that China's claim lacks merit because of factors such as the continuing problems in Yemen and the role that outside forces have played in the war.

The geopolitical conversation surrounding the war-torn nation of Yemen takes a new turn as talks persist over China's demand for acknowledging Yemen's military might. It is still to be determined how this viewpoint will impact subsequent assessments of foreign relations and the military.

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