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Nigeria and the US based Space Research Agency have Agreed to send the first Nigerian to space

opera.com 3 days ago

Nigeria has taken a giant leap in its space exploration ambitions, signing a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the U.S.-based Space Exploration and Research Agency (SERA). The agreement paves the way for the first Nigerian to be sent to space, marking a significant milestone in the country's space program.

The MOU was signed in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, between the Nigerian Space Agency (NASRDA) and SERA, with both parties committing to collaborate on space exploration and research. The partnership aims to develop Nigeria's space capabilities, enhance its space program, and promote scientific cooperation between the two nations.

Under the agreement, SERA will provide training and support for Nigerian astronauts, with the goal of sending the first Nigerian to space by 2025. The mission will involve a Nigerian astronaut traveling to the International Space Station (ISS) for a short-duration stay.

Nigeria's space agency has been working tirelessly to develop its space program, with a focus on satellite development, launch technology, and human spaceflight. This partnership with SERA marks a significant step forward, demonstrating Nigeria's commitment to becoming a major player in the global space industry.

The move is also expected to inspire a new generation of Nigerian scientists, engineers, and innovators, driving interest in STEM education and careers. As Nigeria looks to the stars, this historic agreement with SERA is a testament to the country's determination to explore the vastness of space and unlock its secrets.

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