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AU Issues 5 Directives to President Ruto Over Contentious Finance Bill

opera.com 2 days ago

The African Union (AU) has issued five directives to President William Ruto concerning the controversial Finance Bill 2024. The directives come in response to widespread protests and growing public dissent against the proposed bill, which many Kenyans believe will exacerbate the already high cost of living.The AU's directives, aimed at fostering dialogue and ensuring economic justice, reflect the organization's commitment to upholding human rights and addressing the grievances of the Kenyan people. The directives were issued following consultations with various stakeholders, including civil society groups, opposition leaders, and representatives from the Kenyan government.

1. Engage in Inclusive Dialogue: The AU has called on President Ruto to initiate an inclusive dialogue involving all stakeholders. This includes civil society organizations, opposition parties, and representatives of the protesting groups. The aim is to foster a constructive conversation that considers the perspectives and concerns of all affected parties.

2. Explore Alternative Tax Measures: The AU has urged the Kenyan government to explore alternative tax measures that do not disproportionately burden low- and middle-income citizens. This directive emphasizes the need for fiscal policies that promote economic equity and protect vulnerable populations from undue financial strain.

3. Ensure Transparency in Fiscal Policies: Transparency and accountability are central to the AU’s directives. The organization has called for greater transparency in the formulation and implementation of fiscal policies. This includes making detailed information about the proposed tax measures and their anticipated impact publicly available.

4. Protect the Right to Peaceful Protest: The AU has emphasized the importance of safeguarding the right to peaceful assembly and expression. The organization has urged the Kenyan government to ensure that law enforcement agencies handle protests with restraint and respect for human rights. The AU highlighted the need for peaceful resolution of conflicts and avoidance of excessive force.

5. Conduct Comprehensive Impact Assessments: Finally, the AU has recommended that the Kenyan government conduct comprehensive socio-economic impact assessments of the proposed Finance Bill. These assessments should evaluate the potential effects on different segments of the population and identify measures to mitigate any negative impacts.

In response to the AU’s directives, President Ruto has expressed his administration's commitment to addressing the concerns raised. “We acknowledge the directives from the African Union and are committed to engaging in dialogue and exploring viable alternatives to ensure that our fiscal policies are fair and just,” Ruto stated.

Opposition leaders and civil society groups have welcomed the AU’s intervention, viewing it as a crucial step toward achieving a more balanced and equitable resolution to the contentious Finance Bill. “The AU’s directives are a timely and necessary intervention,” said opposition leader Raila Odinga. “We hope that the government will take these recommendations seriously and act in the best interests of all Kenyans.”

As the situation unfolds, the Kenyan government’s adherence to the AU’s directives will be closely monitored. The international community and local observers alike are keen to see how these measures will influence the ongoing debate over the Finance Bill 2024 and the broader socio-economic landscape in Kenya.

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