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Shehu Sani Reacts To Zamfara State Govt's Rejection Of A Christian Doctor Due To Religious Identity

opera.com 6 days ago

Former Senator Shehu Sani expressed his worries on the recent decision by the Zamfara state government to reject Dr. Maryam due to her religious identity in a message made via his official X account.

Sani commended Dr. Maryam's professional accomplishments and emphasised her connections to Zamfara state in his statement.

"Zamfara state is home to Dr. Maryam. I implore the Zamfara government to reverse its decision to reject her. Take pride in your high-quality product and being one of the nation's top female physicians. She embodies the positive perception of Zamfara.It is not acceptable to reject someone based on the ethnicity or religion of their spouse or parents.

Kindly think again," wrote Shehu Sani.

Sani emphasised the significance of appreciating and honouring each person's efforts, irrespective of their religious affiliation.

He asked the state administration of Zamfara to be proud of Dr. Maryam's achievements.

He went on to say that Dr. Maryam is a representative of a positive Zamfara, highlighting the significance of her accomplishments for the state's standing.

The general problem of discrimination on the basis of ethnic and religious identities was also discussed by the former senator.

In his message, he begs for inclusivity and the elevation of merit over racial or religious origin and urges for a reexamination of the ruling.

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