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Fubara Has Directed The Heads Of LGAs To Look At How Workers Will Receive Their Salaries– NLC

opera.com 4 days ago

Amid the political turmoil in Rivers State, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Chairman, Alex Agwanwor, has issued a statement regarding the status of Local Government (LG) workers' salaries. Agwanwor claims that despite the ongoing crisis, these workers are still receiving their salaries, attributing this to directives from Governor Siminalayi Fubara.

In an interview on Arise TV, Agwanwor explained that Governor Fubara has instructed the heads of Local Governments to find feasible ways to ensure that LG workers continue to receive their salaries. According to Agwanwor, the governor's proactive stance is crucial in mitigating further complications within the crisis. He emphasized that the non-payment of salaries could exacerbate the situation, leading to more unrest and suffering among the workers. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that these employees are not dragged into a political conflict that they did not instigate.

The NLC Chairman stressed the importance of protecting the welfare of LG workers, highlighting that they should not be made to bear the brunt of a crisis caused by political actors. He noted that the crisis is a result of political disputes, and the workers, who are not politicians, should not have to endure the consequences of these disputes.

He underscored the necessity of maintaining stability and ensuring that essential services and payments to workers are not disrupted. This approach is intended to prevent further deterioration of the situation and safeguard the livelihoods of those who depend on their salaries for survival.


Hear him: "The Salaries of the Local Government workers are still being paid for now. His Excellency, Sir Siminalayi Fubara has directed that the heads of Local Governments look at how they can also manage to see a way that Local Government workers will receive their salaries. Because if the salaries are not being paid, it will also begin to lead to another angle in this crisis. We will not allow our members to stay at home to suffer a crisis that they did not cause by being unpaid. This crisis is caused by politicians but our members are not politicians.''

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