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21st Century Marketing Strategies for your Business

opera.com 3 days ago

Our world is evolving at the speed of light. The Business world has not been left out of this evolution. The world of Business has taken a new form. Thus, it is expedient we adopt 21st century marketing strategies in Business, if we must make profits. 

Marketing strategies refer to a plan or line of action which is intended to accomplish business goal(s). They are aimed at helping business owners bring their products and/or services before their prospective customers.

In this article, I'll be sharing 7 Marketing Strategies for your Business.

1. Knowledge.

The 21st century is knowledge driven. It takes understanding to be outstanding in the world of Business. Men who know, will eventually be known, and so also will their products. You must know where and how to market your products. Not every product can be marketed the same way. Moreover, not everyone needs your product. Hence, the need for knowledge.

2. Personal Perception.

Your perception about yourself and the products or services you provide largely determines the feedback you receive from customers. If you have doubts about your services, you won't go far. I've heard of business owners who condemn their own business. I've heard business owners say to customers, "I don't think my product is durable, just manage it".

3. Product Packaging.

Packaging is the process of creating and designing a cover for your product. Your Product Package has to be attractive and should appeal to the senses. The design may not be complicated, but always remember that your design has a voice. There is a message your product package communicates to potential customers.

4. The Social Media.

The social media has come to stay. Businesses who do not consider the social media as a viable option will struggle. You need to start selling online, especially on the social media. Facebook alone has been estimated to have 2.93 billion monthly active users. With Facebook, you can bring your products(goods or services) before over 2 billion people. About 59% social media users are on Facebook. You can also make use of Tiktok and WhatsApp.

5. Affiliate Marketing.

In Affiliate marketing, businesses reward affiliates for each customer they bring. The affiliates are responsible for promoting and advertising your products and services on your behalf. Affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting the products or services of another person or company in exchange for a commission. Ask people to sell your products and give them a commission.

6. Create video Ads.

YouTube has been rated as the second largest search engine. One of the most effective ways to make potential customers aware of your products is to create video ads and post them on YouTube or other visual platforms. The use of online display advertisements which may last for few seconds or more has largely helped in growing a lot of businesses. These ads can be placed on Facebook, WhatsApp and even YouTube.

7. Testimonials from Clients.

It is often said that, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." This means that products can only be judged to be good or bad after it has been tried or used. You need to get some of your loyal customers to share with the public what their experiences have been with your product. You may even offer to give them a discount or free product just for this gesture. Because, people may not believe you. But the recommendations and testimonials of your customers will go a long way in earning their confidence and building your business circle.

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