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INEC has proposed 142 recommendations to improve electoral processes in Nigeria.

opera.com 5 days ago

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) of Nigeria has recently unveiled a comprehensive set of 142 recommendations designed to elevate and refine the country's electoral procedures. These proposals come at a crucial time when Nigeria is striving to strengthen its democratic institutions and ensure transparent, credible, and inclusive elections.

The recommendations span various aspects of the electoral process, aiming to address longstanding challenges and enhance the overall integrity and efficiency of elections in Nigeria. Key areas of focus include voter registration, polling procedures, result collation and transmission, security arrangements, and the legal framework governing elections.

One of the significant proposals is the introduction of advanced technologies to streamline voter registration and authentication processes. This includes exploring options for electronic voter registration and biometric authentication systems to improve accuracy and eliminate duplicate registrations.

INEC also emphasizes the need for robust mechanisms to enhance result collation and transmission. Recommendations in this area include leveraging technology for real-time transmission of election results from polling units to central servers, thereby reducing delays and minimizing opportunities for manipulation.

Furthermore, the recommendations underscore the importance of ensuring a secure electoral environment. INEC proposes strengthening security arrangements to safeguard polling stations, electoral officials, and voters, particularly in regions prone to violence and electoral malpractice.

In terms of legal reforms, INEC advocates for amendments to electoral laws to address emerging challenges and align with international best practices. This includes clarifying regulations on campaign financing, enhancing the independence of electoral tribunals, and instituting stricter penalties for electoral offenses.

Public participation and stakeholder engagement are also central to INEC recommendations. The commission calls for increased civic education and awareness campaigns to inform voters about their rights and responsibilities, thereby fostering a more informed electorate.

Overall, INEC 142 recommendations represent a comprehensive effort to overhaul Nigeria's electoral processes and uphold the principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability. As these proposals undergo review and potential implementation, they hold the potential to significantly enhance the credibility and legitimacy of future elections in Nigeria, reinforcing the country's commitment to democratic governance and electoral integrity.

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