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I Don't Care How Many Awards You (Victor Osimhen)Have Won -Brown Ideye.

opera.com 5 days ago

Photo credit: Google.

Former Nigerian striker Brown Ideye recently called out Victor Osimhen for publicly criticizing coach Finidi George, emphasizing that accolades do not justify disrespectful behavior. According to All Nigeria Soccer, Ideye's remarks came in response to Osimhen's outburst on Instagram Live, where he expressed reluctance to play in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers and attacked both Finidi and Super Eagles fans.

Ideye, who was part of Nigeria's victorious squad at the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations, voiced his disappointment in Osimhen during an X Space talk hosted by The Naija Football Conference. "I told him I'm disappointed in you," Ideye said. "What you have to do is go back to that social media and apologize to Nigerians and Finidi."

He further stressed, "It makes no difference to me who you are, how many accolades you have, or your accomplishments with your club. Don’t act like that, Africa's top player."

Ideye argued that Osimhen's behavior was wholly inappropriate and insisted that he should apologize. He lamented the lack of discipline, enthusiasm, and patriotism in the current Super Eagles squad, contrasting it with the standards upheld by past players.

By making this statement, Ideye joins a growing chorus of critics urging Osimhen to take responsibility for his actions and show respect for the legacy of legendary Super Eagles players who paved the way.

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