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The poor are groaning under the draconian yoke of acute hunger, misery, and squalor - Owolabi Salis

opera.com 4 days ago

According to The Sun, High Chief Owolabi Salis, a United States-based lawyer and former governorship candidate, has expressed deep concern over the escalating cost of foodstuffs in Nigeria. He noted that the poor are suffering under the weight of acute hunger, misery, and squalor, with the situation worsening daily.

Salis criticized the government for failing to address the food crisis, which has persisted for over a year. He emphasized that it is the primary responsibility of government to provide food and medical care to its citizens, particularly the marginalized poor.

He highlighted the irony of encouraging farmers to cultivate the land while Fulani herdsmen continue to attack and displace them, making it difficult for farmers to access their farms. Additionally, he noted that the high cost of pesticides and fertilizers due to inflation has not been adequately addressed.

Salis urged the government to take immediate action to address these issues and alleviate the suffering of the poor. He warned that if the situation continues unchecked, it may lead to disastrous consequences.

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