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‘I’ve Never Met BAT; I Only Know The Wife of BAT Because We Attend The Same Church’-Abayomi Arabambi

opera.com 5 days ago

In a recent Interview with Arise News interview, Abayomi Arabambi, National Publicity Secretary of a faction within the Labour Party, has vehemently denied claims that the group is working in cahoots with President Bola Tinubu and the All Progressives Congress (APC) to destabilize the Labour Party.

Arabambi clarified that he has never met President Tinubu, having no connection with him or the APC. The only link, he admitted, is attending the same church as Tinubu's wife.

Arabambi's statement aims to quell rumors and reassure the public of the group's independence and commitment to the Labour Party's ideals.

This denial comes amidst intense political maneuvering and allegations of cross-party collaborations.

In his own words, "Why are they coming with the notion that we are working for Tinubu? I have never met the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (BAT); I only know the wife of Tinubu because we attend the same church. I have never met the president because we don't have any connection with him. We don't know anybody there that they will say they were the ones that were working with the APC to destabilize the Labour Party."

Start the video at 21:00.

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