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“Stop Exposing Baba,” Politician Caleb Amisi Reacts After ODM Presser

opera.com 3 days ago

Photo courtesy is used to report the news. Raila Odinga with other ODM leaders during today's press briefing.

The Gen Zs urged the former prime minister, Raila Odinga, to stay at home and not join the protesters as the anti government protests continue. Today the protests kicked off in different parts of the nation and police officers were forced to act immediately to stop the protesters from protesting.

Caleb Amisi has reacted to what the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party is doing to Raila Odinga. After every protest the former prime minister, Raila Odinga, is forced to have a press briefing condemning the police officers over their use of excessive force. Amisi stated that the party should allow their Boss, Raila Odinga, to relax as Gen Zs told him to do so.

He questioned why the party is forcing him on press conferences using him as a human shield. He urged the party to style up and they should stop their actions with immediate effect. Amisi stated that the former prime minister, Raila Odinga, does not deserve to have another blunder. Is Raila making wrong moves by issuing his statement as the protests continue.

Amisi's reactions came a few moments after details alleged that today's protests have been countered by paid goons whose main intention was to destroy the face of peaceful demonstrations. The big question remains who sponsored the goons to destroy Gen Zs peaceful protests? The government or a section of leaders from top seats? What's your take on the ongoing Gen Z protests?


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