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JUST IN: Lagos Government Vows to Demolish More Buildings After Flood Devastation

opera.com 2 days ago

Following the recent devastating floods that ravaged parts of Lagos, the state government has vowed to demolish more buildings deemed unsafe and built in violation of building codes. This decision comes as a response to the widespread damage and loss of life caused by the floods, highlighting the urgent need for stricter enforcement of building regulations.

The government has already begun the process of identifying and demolishing structures that contributed to the severity of the floods. These include buildings constructed on waterways, those lacking proper drainage systems, and those built without necessary permits. The demolition drive aims to prevent future tragedies and ensure the safety of residents.

While the government's commitment to enforcing building regulations is commendable, some residents have expressed concerns about the potential displacement and economic hardship that may result from the demolitions. The government has assured the public that it will provide adequate compensation and support to affected individuals and families.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible urban planning and adherence to building codes. The government's proactive approach to addressing the issue is crucial in mitigating future risks and ensuring the safety and well-being of Lagos residents. 

The demolition drive, while necessary, should be implemented with sensitivity and transparency. The government must prioritize the safety of its citizens while ensuring that the process is fair and equitable for all affected parties. 

Lagos Govt Vows To Demolish More Buildings After Flood Wreaked Havoc.

Source: www.channeltvnews.com

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