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"I'm Ready" CS Says As Jitters Reportedly Rising Inside Ruto's Cabinet Over Looming Purge

opera.com 3 days ago

President William Ruto speaking during a past cabinet meeting at State House in Nairobi. Photo courtesy.

Jittery is reportedly escalating inside President William Ruto's cabinet, over reports of a looming purge from the head of state as a result of massive protests from the youths in the country, who are demanding for accountability from state officers and removal of corrupt individuals from the government system.

According to a report by Daily Nation Newspaper today, Jitters is building among the cabinet members who are in fear of being sacked by the head of state in a looming purge. The president is expected to do a major shake up in his executive where some CSs and PSs are expected to be moved, while others sent packing over their poor performance.

At the same time, one of the cabinet members that's Aden Duale of Defence ministry, has welcomed the shake up arguing that he is ready to even being told to step aside. He is prepared and he has a new team which he is read to work with in case that happens. If the head of state feels that he has let him down he is ready to step aside for the appointment of a new CS who can help him deliver.

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