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The grand strategic plans of President Tinubu towards a better Nigeria is achieved–Ola Olukoyede

opera.com 3 days ago

According to Punch Newspaper, The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has clarified its operational independence amidst recent speculations, stating that President Bola Tinubu has not interfered with its activities since Ola Olukoyede assumed office as Executive Chairman. Olukoyede emphasized that the Commission has received substantial support from the Federal Government to effectively execute its mandate.

Speaking on the agency's approach, Olukoyede affirmed that his actions are not driven by personal agendas or vendettas but are solely aimed at upholding the strategic national goals envisioned by President Tinubu for Nigeria's progress. He reiterated that every measure taken in the discharge of his duties as a public servant is geared towards ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.

Olukoyede's remarks come amidst ongoing discussions regarding the EFCC's operations and its role in combating corruption in Nigeria. He underscored the Commission's commitment to fair and unbiased investigations, emphasizing that no individual or entity is unfairly targeted.

The EFCC, under Olukoyede's leadership, continues to uphold its mandate without external influence, focusing on rooting out financial crimes and promoting good governance practices in alignment with the broader developmental objectives set forth by the government.

He said, “Let me state this clearly all that I do in the course of discharging my duties as a public servant is not to witch-hunt anybody and not for any personal reasons but to ensure that the grand strategic plans of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu towards a better Nigeria is achieved.”

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