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Man Testifies in Church with Stolen Car, Reveals He is the Driver

opera.com 4 days ago

According to Vanguard News on July 2, 2024, the Lagos State Police Command has apprehended a robbery suspect named Amos Daniel, aged 36. Daniel had stolen his employer's vehicle on the same day he was hired as a driver. Surprisingly, when caught, he confessed to taking the car to his church to testify about God's miraculous provision.

In addition to Daniel's arrest, the police also paraded two dismissed soldiers, Akeem Suleiman and Abdulau Mohammed, along with two civilian accomplices. These individuals were accused of carrying out criminal activities while wearing military gear. The police confiscated military headgear, uniforms, and identity cards from the dismissed soldiers.

Another suspect, 25-year-old Thankgod Kesh-David, was also presented to the media. Kesh-David posed as a roadside mechanic, offering repair services for broken-down vehicles. However, once entrusted with the vehicles, he disappeared with them.

During a press briefing at the Command Headquarters in Ikeja, the spokesperson for the police command, SP Benjamin Hudenyin, explained that a tactical team based in Surulere successfully apprehended the four-member robbery gang. The gang had been operating for a significant period, targeting motorists in Lagos and snatching their vehicles at gunpoint.

Hudenyin highlighted the case of Amos Daniel, the driver who absconded with his employer's Lexus car on his very first day of work. Daniel later testified in church, expressing gratitude for what he believed to be God's blessing. In his confession, Daniel admitted that he intended to use the vehicle for Uber and utilize the earnings to pay off his debts.

Akeem Suleiman, one of the dismissed soldiers, revealed that he had been involved in robbery since April 2024. He claimed that they targeted any parked vehicle with the windows wound down, forcibly removing the occupants before making their escape. Suleiman stated that they operated in the Ajah area of Lagos using a locally made gun, but he emphasized that they never killed their victims.

The police spokesperson urged employers to exercise due diligence when hiring drivers or domestic staff, advising them to conduct thorough background checks at the Central Criminal Registry and the forensic unit of the Force Criminal Investigation Department in Alagbon. The suspects will face charges in court.

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