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My Mom Sold Me To A Man In Libya Who Aborted My Pregnancy And Turned Me To S€x Slave"Shikemi Ololade

opera.com 2 days ago

Upcoming Yoruba movie actress, Shikemi Ololade has revealed some of the things that happened to her when her mother sent her to Libya in order to search for a better life, while also stating what happened after she was sold to a man in Libya.

In a video that was posted on the official Instagram page of Biolabayo1, during an interview with Biola Adebayo, she disclosed that her mother sold her to a man in Libya who aborted her pregnancy.

In her statement, she said, "I was told that I would not be able to work as a housekeeper because I was pregnant and that they would only turn me into a prostitute if I didn't abort the pregnancy.

"My mom sold me to a man in Libya who aborted my pregnancy and turned me to a s€x slave.

"One day, the man tried to assault me again, but I refused because I was paying him and he still wanted to take advantage of me all the time."

Watch the video from (0:35 to 1:50). https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8hXUvjMBRx/?igsh=bXlqbGZqZXc0djA4

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